Xamarin Vs Native Vs Hybrid App Development

Himani Jaiswal
2 min readJun 4, 2021


Watching the shine and charm of the Xamarin app development technology, these days a million developers are considering this app development platform as the best way to develop a mobile application. Though a developer is going to create an app in iOS or Android platform, Xamarin supports each by requiring in-depth knowledge of Objective-C, C#, or Swift.

The day-to-day enhancement in the popularity of the Xamarin app development environment generates a hot topic for long halted debate for the developers between the Xamarin, Native, and Hybrid App Development.

To grasp the differences between all the three, here is a quick comparison between them:

Tech Stack

Xamarin platform requires a single tech stack and single codebase using the C#, .NET, and Native Libraries. Native app development needs a different tech stack platform for every single app development platform. While the Hybrid app development works like Xamarin means it also requires one tech stack and a single codebase for the JS, HTML5, and CSS.

Code Sharing

If we do talk about code sharing, then, in this case, Xamarin allows sharing its 90% code in the development of another app on any other platform. While the hybrid app development permits a developer to share 100% code, and the native app refuses this.

UI and UX Experience

Entire UI customization is possible for both Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. While this customization is platform-specific in a way to native app development. Hybrid app development uses common UI for all platforms and grants limited customization access and capabilities.

Hardware Requirements

Xamarin requires a platform-specific API and delivers an amazing performance result. While Native supports unlimited system capabilities in an out-of-the-box manner to delivers excellent results. While a hybrid app development platform requires a third party to access the API. Hence hybrid delivers a poor performance result.

Final Thoughts

After knowing all the pros, cons, advantages, and drawbacks of all three, the selection of a particular app development platform depends on the requirements of your mobile application. Along with this, the budget for app development also plays a vital role in the selection of an app development platform. So, whenever you plan to develop a mobile application and feel stuck in the selection of a perfect development platform, then focus on the app requirements and your development budget first and then choose a better one that can provide you all the development and maintenance features.



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